A downloadable game


Follow Queen, a zombie woman without her memories as she awakes in the circle of Inferno, Gluttony.

Devour the delicious enemies that roam Inferno utilizing press turn combat

Explore Gluttony and find secrets with first person dungeon crawling.

Grow your team of allies and learn new abilities by eating your enemies! Spend points earned by eating on new skills and abilities.






M/LeftClick Minimap-Open Full Map

X/RightClick/ESC-Close Full Map

StatusIn development
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(32 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tags3D, Adult, Dungeon Crawler, feederism, First-Person, JRPG, NSFW, RPG Maker, weightgain


BftUF -Gluttony- v0.42.zip 128 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the folder and run Game.exe

Development log


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Hey, I think I found a bug; when I used the red portal to remove Beatrice's weight, she didn't gain any FP.

Is there actually a weight that can collapse the floor like one of the pretans(?) mentioned?

Would like to have a way to look at the whole map so that navigating stages that you already explored becomes easier


I think you might want to buff the enemy damage? I've been taking a few too many 0s for my liking. Great game all around, though, I quite like the art style.

It has been the game with the best art I have seen, and also one of the most fun, I hope you don't abandon this project, you are great.


Would it be possible to add right-hand controls for turning?

is there a way to transfer my game data from the halloween version to the 3.2 version?


looks cool , kinda reminds me of megaxtensei games


for some reason, the mummy isn't showing up for me
there was no blue arrow thing or whatever\
or, from what i saw

There is currently a bug with her joining the party. I made a post about it on weight gaming which you can find HERE
I will fix it fully in a hotfix but that post should explain how to activate the event right now. Apologies!

(2 edits) (+3)

made an account entirely to ask a stupid question
will fatness go past obese in future updates?

edit: i think i'm dumb, i was stuck on a part, sorry.

this question sounds veery stupid now.


No worries!
To explain a little, the characters will have 3 buff states, Chubby, Fat and Obese with the drawbacks and bonuses for each getting more powerful.
These are merely just buff titles and don't exactly reflect how I will be drawing the character drawings.

The character drawings will be in a batch of 6, going from thin to obese. I want to improve my drawing skills and I plan on drawing bigger sizes for the final stages of each character at a point. I'm still feeling out the curve of how to progress the different fat stages. I will most likely go back and redo the drawings for the older characters as development moves along. My ideal size is to get every character's gut to be touching the floor by the final stage! As it stands 6 is quite a lot of drawing for me, so I will not go beyond 6 drawings for each character.  I hope this helps! Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

i didn't expect a reply this early!
i was expecting there to be a lil bit more statuses but eh, who cares, it's your game so you can do whatever you want :D
i wish you well in the rest of your art journey, my friend.

-random person on the internet

why fps very low in is game

Nah, you just gotta see faster.

Small suggestion, if it's not too difficult to code: passing an action make that the second action can no longer crit. It would help when you try to reduce the HP without killing.

(1 edit) (+2)

I absolutely love this game! I'm not normally into weight gain stuff, but this manages to tick all the right mental boxes. Plus, it's nice that there's a valid gameplay reason to do what we already wanna do: cram enemies down the lass's throats n watch how big they get :D

Even in  such an early state, the game is great fun, and the story has me hooked. The girls n the art style are super cute, and I can't wait to see what you do next!

(It's also neat that all the image files are out in the open, cus I can easily tailor the girl's transformation to my personal liking! I know thats prolly not an intended feature, but it's still nice :D)


Thank you so much for the kind words!

I originally made the image files open so people could look at them separately if they wanted to, but I didn't realize you could change it and mod it that's awesome! I fully support anyone modding my game! Not everyone has the same preferences so it would be great that people could tailor the game's experience to what they want to see!


Thanks! It's actually real fun drawin stuff n replacin jpegs, ngl. By the way, what is the game made in? I'm planning on havin some fun with the golden slimes' Force Feed ability (and maybe makin my own monsters >;3 ), but its kinda hard to comprehend the code in the notepads


The game is made in RPG Maker MZ. It is using a lot of plugins to make things work the way they do.


Thanks! Unfortunately it's waaaaaaaay outta my price range, but oh well lol.

Deleted post

so are updated planned? i wonder if more characters will be added just already i like that vamp girl


Thank you I am glad you like Beatrice! There are currently plans for about 5 or so total party members, and one that will be added with each major demo release! I hope you enjoy the upcoming mummy character!


i mentioned because final boss is hard


Hey, can you mark this as NSFW properly? It's viewable even though I have the 18+ toggle in the settings off.


Apologies, this is my first time uploading to Itch.io. I am unsure how to mark it as 18+ but I added tags. I will see if there are other ways for me to mark this project as 18+


So far as I am aware, tagging it as "adult" should be sufficient.

i'm going to comment this here but for the person who fighting slimes in this version they have a mission image or something i forgot what the error said exactly but it keep that interaction blocked off

Thanks for the report, if you could get me a screenshot of what happened I can try and help figure out what went wrong.


here you go

Thanks, I recommend re-downloading the game. If it is still not working, I will try my best to update and fix the error.

(1 edit) (+1)

ok i just went to try what you said and it fixed it but i don't know if it will do it to anyone else that might encounter this version who on windows